目前分類:未分類文章 (22)
- Jul 28 Tue 2009 10:03
- Jul 20 Mon 2009 21:32
- Jul 17 Fri 2009 13:05
過分快樂的童年 等於一個不快樂的成年 (李家同專訪)
更多內容請至: http://tw.leaders.news.yahoo.com/leader/7/121/ 馬雨沛:
- Jul 10 Fri 2009 22:36
- Jul 02 Thu 2009 08:49
- Jun 29 Mon 2009 21:10
這次班遊可以說是 克難無比。
- Feb 12 Thu 2009 00:05
To my future babe.
- Feb 11 Wed 2009 08:44
- Jul 20 Sun 2008 17:21
從小嬌生慣養 王子 公主病氾濫
- Apr 05 Sat 2008 23:53
The World's Favorite Fish Dish Sushi,我的菜!
Nowadays, sushi is popular everywhere from upscale restaurants to household kitchens.
However, the methods used in the preparation of sushi today were _(1)_ a way in which some Southeast Asians preserved fish. Since fish was an important part of their diet, but quickly went bad, people invented a way to ferment fish and rice _(2)_ the fish could be stored. After several months, the fish would be consumed, but the rice had to be thrown away.
However, the methods used in the preparation of sushi today were _(1)_ a way in which some Southeast Asians preserved fish. Since fish was an important part of their diet, but quickly went bad, people invented a way to ferment fish and rice _(2)_ the fish could be stored. After several months, the fish would be consumed, but the rice had to be thrown away.
- Mar 29 Sat 2008 00:38
Five Minutes to Midnight